How To Push Through Heartache and Repair Your Broken Relationship

Healing relationship wounds is something that no-one wants to do, but when your heart is breaking and your relationship is broken you need to do something to get through it. It is not a situation that you ever dreamed you would be in, but you can repair your broken relationship if you are prepared to push through your heartache and spend some thought and effort to fix it. It will not be easy or quick but with a little help you can make it work.

There are a number of things that you need to do in turning your relationship around, so let's look at some of them.

The first place to begin is you will need to identify what happened to cause your relationship breakdown. This will determine what steps you need to take to restore your relationship. Most of the time, it is not any one particular thing, but a series of smaller issues that erode the fabric of your relationship. This can happen over a longer period of time and generally the breakdown does not occur suddenly; there are always underlying issues in the event of a "sudden" and unexpected breakup.

You cannot fix what is wrong if you do not know what is "broken." Once you have identified the problem or problems, you can then work out a plan to rectify them. It is the same sort of thing as taking your car to the mechanic. If he does not know what is wrong with it, how can he fix it? In the case of your relationship - you need to know what is wrong to be able to sort it out.

Once you have that sorted, the next step is not so easy but crucial to your success. You will need to honestly evaluate your part in the problem. What was it that you did, or said, that contributed to the break-down in your relationship? Have you held hurts in your heart that you did not forgive your partner for, preventing you both from moving on? Were there things that you did or said causing pain and hurt to your lover that you ignored and did not seek to put it right? As much as it is difficult to admit that you made mistakes, it can also be the turning point in your life and your relationship, as you can grow personally and mend bridges between you and your partner.

Some of the biggest hurts can be inflicted by mere words, but these small words can build or break any relationship, and things said in haste are often repented of in leisure. The lesson here is to choose your words carefully to build in love rather than tear down in anger. A wise saying, "Do not let the sun go down on your anger," is true for all relationships, but especially true in couple relationships.

The next step is to decide whether you are willing to make amends and expend the necessary effort in order to rebuild your relationship with your partner or ex. If you are not willing to make those changes or take the time needed to make this happen then perhaps you are better to walk away from the relationship now rather than drag you and your partner through more emotional pain. Nothing good will come from dragging it out when your heart is not in it.

Now that you have your game plan sorted, the next thing to consider is whether your lover is happy to work on your relationship together with you or not. If they are still open to mending the relationship with you, then you have a fighting chance. Both of you need to be willing to make the effort, and to work on resolving the issues between you, in order to move forward in restoring your relationship and the connection the two of you once shared.

If they are not willing to, then there is no other option but to heal yourself and move on, and allow them to do the same. In this case, take heart - there will be someone out there who is your soul-mate, and you have just not met them yet. You cannot meet "Miss or Mr. Right" when you are still struggling to make it with "Mr. or Miss Wrong."

When you are successful in reconnecting with your ex, remember that your relationship may not be in the same place it was, and neither should you expect it to be. It will take time to build the depth of connection that you desire and some of those things that went wrong may still leave some scars. The good news is that as you triumph over your issues together you can go to new levels in your relationship and it can become stronger than before.

Healing relationship wounds take time, love and commitment. It is also takes a willingness to change and improve on things which is not a bad thing. If you both love each other and are willing to work on this together then you can not only heal your relationship but make it better than it was before. Isn't your love and your future happiness together worth it?


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