
Showing posts from March, 2023

Society's Misconception of Soul Mates (What Are The Misconceptions About Soulmates?)

Society's current conception of the term "soul mate" is completely contrary to what the term really means. Imagine two gallons of water taken from the Atlantic Ocean. Both gallons consist of the same energy because they were both part of the same ocean. Yet each gallon will have its own experience separate from the other. Now imagine a soul in the nonphysical realm that chooses to experience different aspects of itself by inhabiting two different people. Those people consist of the same energy as that one soul: they are soul mates. Most people on planet Earth do not meet their true soul mates; to do so, to reach the stage where the gift of reunion becomes manifest requires lifetimes of growth and evolution. So far, only about two percent of the human population have actually met their true soul mates. When most people think of soul mates, they picture a man and woman walking in some eternal garden of mental, emotional, and physical paradise right here on Earth, without a